Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mathworks File Exchange Profile Information - Part 2

Ok, A quick little update here before I head off on holidays!

Continuing on from my previous post I realised that I wanted to watch how my submissions were performing over time (my memory is not quite what it used to be).

I had a crazy idea, could I create a Timer that would scrape my user statistics from the Mathworks File Exchange site and save them in a format such that I could plot them easily???

Introducing Monitor File Exchange Statistics.

Plotting my stats for the past week:
I'm not a big fan of the look of the submitted files plot as it can get a bit busy. I'm envisaging a lightweight GUI with a drop-down selector for each submitted file might be nicer. Particularly for those people with a large number of submitted files. I'll update the submission after I get back to do something like this.

To set the automatic scraping of your File Exchange statistics you need to do the following:
  1. Download the required MATLAB files from here. Need Monitor File Exchange Stats and Retrieve File Exchange Profile Information.
  2. Place the files somewhere in your MATLAB path. Note, if you already have a startup.m, just add the InitialiseFileExchangeInfoTimer and UpdateFileExchangeInfoTimerFcn to your existing startup.m and call InitialiseFileExchangeInfoTimer from within.
  3. Modify FEX_AUTHOR_ID and UPDATE_PERIOD with your File Exchange Author ID and your desired scrape frequency (seconds). The cache file defaults to being stored in your MATLAB root directory, modify FEX_SAVE_FILE if you wish to customise this location.
  4. Save any changes and restart MATLAB.
  5. Each time you restart Matlab you will be presented with a plot of your current and historical stats (for as long as you have been scraping).
  6. To manually plot your current stats, call plotLocalFileExchangeInfo(cache_file)
In terms of file size, I've had the script running every 10 minutes for nearly a week and my cache file is only 45 kB.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mathworks File Exchange Profile Information - Part 1

I have been uploading files to the Mathworks File Exchange and have found that I get a sick pleasure looking at my profile page each morning and seeing what people are downloading.

So I thought I would write some MATLAB that would streamline my morning operation as well as gather some additional stats such as downloads/rank over time.

Part 1 - Retrieving File Exchange Profile Information

I've developed a simple function that will, given an Author ID download the Author's profile page from the Mathworks File Exchange and parse it for the Name, Total Downloads, Rank and the list of submitted files.

The function is available on the Mathworks File Exchange: Retrieve File Exchange Profile Information
function file_exchange_info = getFileExchangeProfileInfo(author_id)
%GETFILEEXCHANGEPROFILEINFO Retrieve File Exchange information
% file_exchange_info = GETFILEEXCHANGEPROFILEINFO(author_id) retrieves an
% Author's information from the Mathworks File Exchange
% (
% file_exchange_info is a structure with the following fields:
% .author_id - As supplied to the function
% .author_name - Author name
% .rank - Author rank
% .num_downloads - Total number of downloads
% .submitted_files - An array of structures with the following fields:
% .id - File Exchange submission ID
% .num_downloads - Number of downloads for this submission
% .name - Number of reviews for this file
% If the File Exchange page could not be loaded, file_exchange_info will be
% returned empty.
% Examples:
% file_exchange_info = getFileExchangeProfileInfo(1109866) % My profile
% See also urlread

To use the script simply call it supplying the author if interest's Author ID. For example lets have a look at Stuart McGarrity's profile page with Author ID 126174 (currently the number 1 ranked author):
>> info = getFileExchangeProfileInfo(126174)
info =
author_id: 126174
author_name: 'Stuart McGarrity'
rank: 1
num_downloads: 163181
submitted_files: [1x23 struct]
Looking at each submitted file in particular:
>> for i = 1:length(info.submitted_files)

ans =
id: 2262
name: '802.11b PHY Simulink Model'
num_downloads: 21054
ans =
id: 722
name: 'Bluetooth modulation and frequency hopping'
num_downloads: 19999
ans =
id: 724
name: 'DTMF generator and receiver'
num_downloads: 15117
ans =
id: 907
name: 'Bluetooth voice transmission'
num_downloads: 12225
ans =
id: 3213
name: '802.11b PHY MATLAB Code'
num_downloads: 11803
ans =
id: 2283
name: 'Bluetooth Full Duplex Voice and Data Transmission'
num_downloads: 10830
ans =
id: 746
name: 'IS-95A CDMA Power Control'
num_downloads: 10406
ans =
id: 787
name: 'IS-95A Mobile Phone Call Processing'
num_downloads: 9214
ans =
id: 4380
name: 'MATLAB for C/C++ Programmers'
num_downloads: 9174
ans =
id: 9060
name: 'Handling Large Data Sets Efficiently in MATLAB'
num_downloads: 8329
ans =
id: 7595
name: [1x59 char]
num_downloads: 8165
ans =
id: 2596
name: '10Base-T Ethernet'
num_downloads: 5366
ans =
id: 1550
name: 'Packet Switch'
num_downloads: 4564
ans =
id: 9622
name: 'MDF Import Tool and Function'
num_downloads: 3491
ans =
id: 3939
name: 'Import Fig File to Axes'
num_downloads: 2386
ans =
id: 6528
name: 'Introduction to MATLAB 7 Webinar Demonstrations'
num_downloads: 2168
ans =
id: 13548
name: 'chkmem'
num_downloads: 1941
ans =
id: 18972
name: [1x78 char]
num_downloads: 1941
ans =
id: 16075
name: 'Textscantool'
num_downloads: 1511
ans =
id: 18971
name: [1x70 char]
num_downloads: 1410
ans =
id: 14438
name: [1x69 char]
num_downloads: 924
ans =
id: 9298
name: 'Data and M-Files for Demonstrations on MATLAB Demo Page'
num_downloads: 663
ans =
id: 19540
name: [1x77 char]
num_downloads: 614

Part 2 of this post will detail how I will be using the information returned by this function over time.

Now all I need to do is write it!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

TCP/IP Socket Communications in MATLAB

2025 Update: People still come across this page, and use this example - which is great. However if you are just after a basic client socket only, MATLAB now include this functionality as standard. See tcpclient.

I often see people asking about network communications on the MATLAB Newsgroup. Often this is for the communication between instances of MATLAB.

Using the ability to call Java directly from within MATLAB, I'm going to provide a short example of a client/server written solely in MATLAB and usable from Release 14 onwards (possibly even earlier).

The example is available on the Mathworks File Exchange: Simple TCP/IP Socket Comms Example

I'm working on a little TCP/IP comms library at the moment using these techniques. It will provide a nice layer of abstraction and allow you to use Sockets as you would in other programming languages (as well as one can in a single thread). Keep an eye out for it on the File Exchange.

Interpreted Java?

Amazingly we can execute Java code, even from within the Command Window without the need to compile. For example, the traditional example:
>> import java.lang.*
>> System.out.println('Hello World')
Hello World
To perform socket communications, we utilise the Java Socket and Input/OutputStream classes to pass data around via TCP/IP sockets.

On the server side we use (unsurprisingly) a ServerSocket, which once a client has been accepted, provides a Socket around which we wrap a DataOutputStream to which we can write data.

On the client side we use a Socket to connect to the specified host and port which provides us an InputStream which we wrap in a DataInputStream to read data from.

The code for the example server and client is outlined below.

% CLIENT connect to a server and read a message
% Usage - message = client(host, port, number_of_retries)
function message = client(host, port, number_of_retries)


if (nargin <>
number_of_retries = 20; % set to -1 for infinite

retry = 0;
input_socket = [];
message = [];

while true

retry = retry + 1;
if ((number_of_retries > 0) && (retry > number_of_retries))
fprintf(1, 'Too many retries\n');

fprintf(1, 'Retry %d connecting to %s:%d\n', ...
retry, host, port);

% throws if unable to connect
input_socket = Socket(host, port);

% get a buffered data input stream from the socket
input_stream = input_socket.getInputStream;
d_input_stream = DataInputStream(input_stream);

fprintf(1, 'Connected to server\n');

% read data from the socket - wait a short time first
bytes_available = input_stream.available;
fprintf(1, 'Reading %d bytes\n', bytes_available);

message = zeros(1, bytes_available, 'uint8');
for i = 1:bytes_available
message(i) = d_input_stream.readByte;

message = char(message);

% cleanup

if ~isempty(input_socket)

% pause before retrying

% SERVER Write a message over the specified port
% Usage - server(message, output_port, number_of_retries)
function server(message, output_port, number_of_retries)


if (nargin <>
number_of_retries = 20; % set to -1 for infinite
retry = 0;

server_socket = [];
output_socket = [];

while true

retry = retry + 1;

if ((number_of_retries > 0) && (retry > number_of_retries))
fprintf(1, 'Too many retries\n');

fprintf(1, ['Try %d waiting for client to connect to this ' ...
'host on port : %d\n'], retry, output_port);

% wait for 1 second for client to connect server socket
server_socket = ServerSocket(output_port);

output_socket = server_socket.accept;

fprintf(1, 'Client connected\n');

output_stream = output_socket.getOutputStream;
d_output_stream = DataOutputStream(output_stream);

% output the data over the DataOutputStream
% Convert to stream of bytes
fprintf(1, 'Writing %d bytes\n', length(message))

% clean up

if ~isempty(server_socket)

if ~isempty(output_socket)

% pause before retrying
Opening up two instances of Matlab:
% Instance 1
>> message = char(mod(1:1000, 255)+1);
>> server(message, 3000, 10)
Try 1 waiting for client to connect to this host on port : 3000
Try 2 waiting for client to connect to this host on port : 3000
Try 3 waiting for client to connect to this host on port : 3000
Try 4 waiting for client to connect to this host on port : 3000
Client connected
Writing 1000 bytes

% Instance 2 (simultaneously)
% NOTE: If the 'server' was runnning on a non local machine, substitute its IP address
% or host name here:
% data = client('', 2666); % To connect to server at IP
>> data = client('localhost', 3000)
Retry 1 connecting to localhost:3000
Retry 2 connecting to localhost:3000
Connected to server
Reading 1000 bytes

data =




This code can be expanded to read/write arbitrary data types, and SHOULD be expanded to properly deal with errors (ie not getting all of the buffer on receive end), but it serves as a simple example of how to get communication between MATLAB and other applications / instances of MATLAB.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Optimisation through MEX files

Whilst MATLAB is an excellent expressive tool, it can occasionally run a little bit slow for our liking. However, the folks at Mathworks have provided an interface that can be used to speed up code execution in particular circumstances.

MEX Files

MATLAB allows for compilation of C or Fortran sub-routines into a DLL (or equivalent) such that it can be called from within MATLAB as per any other function.

I'll be using a simple example I came across a while ago when attempting to read in large GPS logs containing on the order of a million GPS position records. As expected, the process of parsing these files took some time. What was unexpected was where the code was using up CPU time.

A quick run of the MATLAB Profiler revealed that approximately 50% of my processing time was spent in the calculation of the NMEA checksum (defined here). The MATLAB calculateChecksum function used is outlined below.
% Description : Calculate the NMEA Checksum for the supplied string. Calculated
% as the successive bitwise exclusive OR of all characters
function checksum = calculateChecksum(sentence)

% Initialise checksum

checksum = uint8(0);

for i_char = 1:length(sentence)

checksum = bitxor(checksum, uint8(sentence(i_char)));


checksum = dec2hex(checksum, 2);


To demonstrate the CPU usage of the above code snippet, a short test function was created:
function test_Checksum

nmea_sentence = 'GPGGA,195237,4308.639,S,07744.402,E,1,03,3.2,365.3,M,-34.5,M,1001,';
cs = '';

for i = 1:50000
cs = calculateChecksum(nmea_sentence);

% Verify Checksum
if (~strcmp(cs, '7F'))
error('Incorrect Checksum calculated');
The result of this function when executed several times:
Elapsed time is 4.990806 seconds.
Elapsed time is 4.978824 seconds.
Elapsed time is 5.029520 seconds.
Looking at the profiler output (run independently):

The majority of the time is spent performing the iterative XOR and the conversion from decimal to hexadecimal.

Using this example from Mathworks as a guide I created a simple MEX compatible C function that would calculate the 2 character hexadecimal checksum from a supplied string.
#include "mex.h"
#include <stdio.h>

void calculateChecksumFunction(const char* in_string, char *out_string)
int checksum_as_int = 0;
int i, str_length = strlen(in_string);

for (i = 0; i < style="color: rgb(51, 102, 255);">int

checksum_as_int &= 0xFF;
sprintf(out_string, "%02X", checksum_as_int);

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
char *input_buf, *output_buf;
int buflen, status;

/* Check for proper number of arguments. */
if (nrhs != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("One input required.");
else if (nlhs > 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");

/* Input must be a string. */
if (mxIsChar(prhs[0]) != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a string.");

/* Input must be a row vector. */
if (mxGetM(prhs[0]) != 1)
mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a row vector.");

/* Get the length of the input string. */
buflen = (mxGetM(prhs[0]) * mxGetN(prhs[0])) + 1;

/* Allocate memory for input and output strings.
* output string should be 2 ASCII characters (plus terminator) */
input_buf = mxCalloc(buflen, sizeof(char));
output_buf = mxCalloc(3, sizeof(char));

/* Copy the string data from prhs[0] into a C string
* input_buf. */
status = mxGetString(prhs[0], input_buf, buflen);
if (status != 0)
mexWarnMsgTxt("Not enough space. String is truncated.");

/* Calculate checksum and store result in output_buf */
calculateChecksumFunction(input_buf, output_buf);

/* Format return as a mex-string */
plhs[0] = mxCreateString(output_buf);


This MEX compatible C file was then compiled using the 'mex' command from the MATLAB command window:
mex calculateChecksumMEX.c
This created a DLL in the same directory named calculateChecksumMEX.dll.

Substituting a call to calculateChecksumMEX in the test function redirects the processing to the created DLL.

The speed improvement is immediately noticeable:
Elapsed time is 0.423503 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.425224 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.430266 seconds.
An order of magnitude speed improvement was gained through the simple technique of identifying and isolating portions of code which were using the most CPU time and performing these operations in an an efficient C sub-routine.

Now MEX is not the silver bullet for every slow performing MATLAB function, but can prove to be useful. I would always recommend running the MATLAB Profiler over your code at least once to identify regions of poor performance. Poorly written MATLAB can run orders of magnitude slower than well written MATLAB.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Display Cursor Coordinates

A simple callback function that prints the current cursor location in plot coordinates into the plot window in a user specified location/format/colour.


% cursorLocation - WindowButtonMotionFcn displaying cursor location in plot
% Description : Display the current cursor location within the bounds of a
% figure window. Assigned as a WindowButtonMotionFcn callback
% function. Only updates when mouse is moved over plot contents.
% Parameters : obj - Figure originating the callback
% event - not used (but required)
% location - Location within plot window for text. Can be
% 'BottomLeft', 'BottomRight', 'TopRight', 'TopLeft'
% or a [1x2] array of XY location
% format_str - A sprintf format string that will accept 2 float
% parameters. ie 'X: %.3f, Y: %.3f'
% text_color - either a color character (ie 'r') or a RGB
% triplet (ie [1.0 1.0 0.5])
% Return : None
% Usage : Assign to a Figure WindowButtonMotionFcn callback:
% set(fig_handle, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn',
% @(obj, event)cursorLocation(obj, event, 'BottomLeft',
% 'X: %.3f, Y: %.3f', 'r')
% Author : Rodney Thomson
function cursorLocation(obj, event, location, format_str, text_color)

The cursorLocation function is assigned as the WindowButtonMotionFcn for a figure. Any time the mouse is moved over the specified figure, the callback function will be executed.

The callback function retrieves the cursor location in plot axes coordinates and uses the supplied sprintf format to produce a text label which is printed in a specific location in the plot. This location can be a preset value or an arbitrary [X,Y] coordinate.

Example usage:
t = linspace(-5,5);
y = sinc(t); f = figure; plot(t, y, 'r');
set(f, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn', ...
@(obj, event)cursorLocation(obj, event, 'BottomLeft', ...
' X: %.3f\n Y: %.3f', 'r')

If you wanted to avoid setting the WindowButtonMotionFcn callback yourself, you could use the following wrapper function:
function displayCursorLocation(figure_handle, location, format_string, text_color)

set(figure_handle, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn', ...
@(obj, event)cursorLocation(obj, event, location, format_string, text_color));

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Recursive Directory Function Execution

A simple function that provides a large amount of flexibility in its use.


% directoryRecurse - Recurse through sub directories executing function pointer
% Description : Recurses through each directory, passing the full directory
% path and any extraneous arguments (varargin) to the specified
% function pointer
% Parameters : directory - Top level directory begin recursion from
% function_pointer - function to execute with each directory as
% its first argument
% varargin - Any extra arguments that should be passed
% to the function pointer.
% Call Sequence : directoryRecurse(directory, function_pointer, varargin)
% IE: To execute the 'rmdir' command with the 's' parameter over
% 'c:\tmp' and all subdirectories
% directoryRecurse('c:\tmp', @rmdir, 's')
% Author : Rodney Thomson
function directoryRecurse(directory, function_pointer, varargin)

contents = dir(directory);
directories = find([contents.isdir]);

% For loop will be skipped when directory contains no sub-directories
for i_dir = directories

sub_directory = contents(i_dir).name;
full_directory = fullfile(directory, sub_directory);

% ignore '.' and '..'
if (strcmp(sub_directory, '.') || strcmp(sub_directory, '..'))

% Recurse down
directoryRecurse(full_directory, function_pointer, varargin{:});

% execute the callback with any supplied parameters.
% Due to recursion will execute in a bottom up manner
function_pointer(directory, varargin{:});

The directoryRecurse function finds all directories below the supplied directory and executes the supplied function with the full directory path as the first argument. Any extra arguments supplied to directoryRecurse are passed onto the function supplied in function_pointer.

Its a hard concept to explain with words, so here are a few useful examples:

% add current directory and any sub-directory to the Matlab search path
directoryRecurse(pwd, @addpath);

% delete all contents of 'c:\tmp', requires passing the 's' flag to the rmdir function
directoryRecurse('c:\tmp', @rmdir, 's')

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sound Card Spectral Analyser GUI

Glancing at the title of this post you might be mistaken for thinking I have repeated my previous post! This is not the case.


This GUI (developed using GUIDE) took the SoundcardSpectralAnalysis functionality and wrapped it in a Matlab class. An object of this class was then utilised by the GUI in order to display real time analysis of acoustic data sampled off the system sound card.

Object Oriented Matlab

A Matlab class named SoundcardSpectralAnalyser was developed. It has a constructor, and start(), stop() and set() methods.

Unfortunately, as I am not yet using Matlab 2008a, I do not have access to its wonderful new OO interface. I will not go into too much detail regarding the older OO mechanic because eventually it will be outdated... And it is nothing to be celebrated really. (Hmmm maybe i should register

The responsibility of the constructor is to initialise any member variables and define the returned structure as a Matlab class of type 'SoundcardSpectralAnalyser'.

Note that the constructor calls out to the set() method to initialise parameters from the variable length argument list. This has to be called AFTER the class type declaration to ensure the correct set method is used.
function this = SoundcardSpectralAnalyser(time_plot, freq_plot, varargin)

% Initialise default parameters if not supplied
this.Fs = 44000;
this.n_bits = 16;
this.n_channels = 2;
this.update_rate = 5;

this.time_plot = time_plot;
this.freq_plot = freq_plot;

this.audio_recorder = [];

this = class(this, 'SoundcardSpectralAnalyser');

% Set parameters as supplied
this = set(this, varargin{:});


The start method extracted the initialisation and audiorecorder starting functionality from the SoundcardSpectrumAnalysis function. Separating this ensures that an object of SoundcardSpectrumAnalyser can be constructed at one time but not started until a later point in time. Also, subsequent audiorecorder objects will be using the current analysis parameters (sample rate, sample size, number of channels and update rate).

The start() method also contains the TimerFcn callback responsible for updating the supplied plots. This is functionally unchanged from the script version.
function this = start(this)

% Setup the audiorecorder which will acquire data off default soundcard
this.audio_recorder = audiorecorder(this.Fs, this.n_bits, this.n_channels);

set(this.audio_recorder, 'TimerFcn', {@audioRecorderTimerCallback, ...
this.time_plot, this.freq_plot});
set(this.audio_recorder, 'TimerPeriod', 1/this.update_rate);
set(this.audio_recorder, 'BufferLength', 1/this.update_rate);


The stop method is responsible for stopping the audiorecorder object if it had been created.

function this = stop(this)  

if (~isempty(this.audio_recorder))

The set method takes in a variable length argument list
. This list comprises of Value/Key parameter pairs for setting the sample rate, sample size, number of channels and update rate. All pairs can be set simultaneously or 1 at a time.

I was considering using the inputparser class to do this behaviour, but unfortunately I could not figure out how I could set only 1 of the parameters externally without the remaining parameters in the struct being returned as the specified defaults. Also, it was not available in my oldest version of Matlab (R14 SP2).
function this = set (this, varargin)

if (mod(length(varargin), 2) ~= 0)
warning('Parameters must be supplied in Key/Value pairs.');

for i_param = 1:2:(length(varargin) - 1)

switch varargin{i_param}
case 'Fs'
this.Fs = varargin{i_param+1};
case 'SampleSize'
this.n_bits = varargin{i_param+1};
case 'Channels'
this.n_channels = varargin{i_param+1};
case 'UpdateRate'
this.update_rate = varargin{i_param+1};
warning('Unknown parameter : %s\n', varargin{i_param});

GUI Development in GUIDE

I developed the GUI using Matlab's inbuilt GUI editor known as GUIDE (Graphical User Interface Development Environment). This provides a 'designer' like layout tool which will create the required .fig and .m files for your GUI. It also automatically creates hooks for object callbacks in the .m file for your convenience.

I will not go into too much detail regarding the GUIDE tool. I'd personally recommend firing up the editor (type 'guide' at the Matlab Command Window) and just throw some things on there, put some fprintf() statements in the generated callbacks and go click crazy. I will go into a couple of things that annoy about GUI development in Matlab in particular.

Disclaimer: This GUI was developed using R14 SP2... Guide may have been improved in later releases. I'm yet to investigate and the issues I have found with it may have been fixed!

Figure Resizing
Ok, the default behaviour of a Matlab GUI is to disallow resizing of the main figure window. This is convenient for a Matlab GUI developer... not so much for a Matlab GUI user. Particularly if there a plots involved as users with high resolution screens may wish to take advantage of their expensive toys.

So.. you bring up the Property Inspector for the main figure and set the Resize property to 'on'. Run the GUI and *yay* you can resize the window. But all the contents stay wedged in the bottom left. Hmmm thats no better.

Now, go into the Tools->GUI Options... menu and change the resize behaviour to 'Proportional'. Run the GUI and observe the behaviour.

Hey, thats a little bit better. Any Axes you have in the GUI are being proportionally resized and overall, things look good. However, the proportional resize affects ALL objects - pushbuttons, panels. Things can start to look a bit odd and often careful laying out of objects turns into a complete mess.

So what is the alternative?

Define a ResizeFcn on the main figure window. This is then called when the user resizes the GUI window. From within this callback you can query the current figure position and size and shuffle around your objects manually.

This process is quite tedious but unfortunately required for full control of resize behaviour (There appears to be no 'anchoring' of panels/objects).

Check out SoundcardSpectralAnalyser_GUI_ResizeCallback in the main GUI .m file for an example of the code required to achieve this control.

The desired behaviour of my Resize function is to keep the Parameters panel at the bottom of the figure, keeping its height constant but adjusting the width to match the figure. The remaining figure space is divided equally for the time and frequency domain plots (ensuring there was enough room around the axes for labels).

I did not put any limitations in the Resize function to enforce a minimum figure size as at 30 lines it was getting long enough.

Figure Axes
It was annoying having to remember to pad the size of the Axes to ensure sufficient size for the tick labels/text labels. Ideally the size specified by the Axes would be the maximum bounds containing titles/xlabel/ylabel/colorbars etc. Matlab should be smart enough to dynamically resize the drawn chart area internally to cope with this (as it does with a figure window currently.. actually that gives me an idea.. embedding a figure into a GUI for this very reason. Stay tuned).

Orphaned Objects
Something I noticed whilst developing the GUI was that I was often getting orphaned instances of my SoundcardSpectralAnalyser object (and subsequently the audiorecorder object) when there was an error and the GUI did not close properly.

When I tried to run 'clear classes' I received a warning that X instances of SoundcardSpectralAnalyser exist and classes could not be cleared. Doing a findall(0, 'Type', 'SoundcardSpectralAnalyser') yielded no results, hence there is no way of clearing these.

This may be a bug that has been fixed in more recent versions.

Overall, I feel that Matlab GUIs have a long way to go from that implemented in R14 SP2. I will have a look at 2007b (most recent installed version that I use) and see if things have improved. With care, reasonable GUIs can be developed in Matlab but most of the effort will go into tasks that should really be much simpler.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sound Card Spectral Analysis

As my first post on this blog I thought I would introduce a very simple function which exploits some of Matlab's high level data acquisition and plotting abilities.

Although this blog's title is 'iheartmatlab' I will also explore areas about Matlab that I don't like so much.

Ok, onto the first code example:


% Description : Acquire acoustic data from default system soundcard and plot
% in both time and frequency domain.
% Parameters : Fs - Acquisition sample frequency [44000] Hz
% n_bits - Sample size [16] bits
% n_channels - Number of channels to acquire
% from sound card [2]
% update_rate - Polls sound card for data this
% many times per second [5] Hz
function soundcardSpectralAnalysis(Fs, n_bits, n_channels, update_rate)
As per the description this function will continuously acquire data from the soundcard at the specified sample frequency, sample size and update rate for however many channels your soundcad supports.

Default Parameters

One thing I don't like about Matlab is the lack of an efficient manner to define the value of default parameters. I have had to resort to the following to initialise my parameters:
% Initialise default parameters if not supplied
if (~exist('Fs', 'var'))
Fs = 44000;
if (~exist('n_bits', 'var'))
n_bits = 16;
if (~exist('n_channels', 'var'))
n_channels = 2;
if (~exist('update_rate', 'var'))
update_rate = 5;
The code checks whether a variable exists within the workspace; and if it does not, it creates it with the default value. There are other possible methods that could have been utilised such as:

if (nargin < 4)
update_rate = 5;
if (nargin < 3)
n_channels = 2;
if (nargin < 2)
n_bits = 16;
if (nargin < 1)
sample_frequency = 44000;
Although this method uses slightly less lines of code, the level of nesting makes it a bit hard to understand on first glance the purpose of the code. And the approach implemented is at least insensitive to changes in the order of parameters (which is unlikely... but you never know).

My ideal dream solution for default parameters would be similar to C++ (the other language with which I have some experience):

function soundcardSpectralAnalysis(Fs = 44000, n_bits = 16, n_channels = 2, update_rate = 5)

If a parameter does NOT have an assignment against it, then its deemed to be a required parameter.

Initialising Plots

When you are producing plots in Matlab and are going to be continuously updating the contents of the plot, typically overdrawing or updating the previous result (ie updating an line spectrum or vessel track) then I would recommend initializing a plot with your desired visual properties and then updating only the raw data values contained by the plot.

Too often i've seen:
for i = 1:100
plot(i, i, '.')
Elapsed time is 4.899789 seconds.
A much more efficient alternative:
point_plot = plot(nan, nan, '.');
for i = 1:100
set(point_plot, 'XData', i);
set(point_plot, 'YData', i);
Elapsed time is 1.086440 seconds.
So the SoundcardSpectralAnalysis function initialises the time and frequency domain plots and sets up axis bounds / labels:
plot_colors = hsv(n_channels);

% Initialise plots, one above each other in a single figure window

% Time Domain plot
hold on
for i_channel = 1:n_channels
time_domain_plots(i_channel) = plot(nan, nan, ...
'Color', plot_colors(i_channel, :));

y_max = 2^(n_bits-1);
ylim([-y_max y_max]);

% Frequency Domain plot
hold on
for i_channel = 1:n_channels
freq_domain_plots(i_channel) = plot(nan, nan, ...
'Color', plot_colors(i_channel, :));
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('dB re 1 count/sqrt(Hz)')
xlim([0 Fs/2])
ylim([0 70])

Audio Recorder

Now we come to the guts of the data acquisition, the Matlab inbuilt audiorecorder.
% Setup the audiorecorder which will acquire data off default soundcard
audio_recorder = audiorecorder(Fs, n_bits, n_channels);

set(audio_recorder, 'TimerFcn', {@audioRecorderTimerCallback, ...
audio_recorder, ...
time_domain_plots, ...
set(audio_recorder, 'TimerPeriod', 1/update_rate);
set(audio_recorder, 'BufferLength', 1/update_rate);

% Start the recorder
The audiorecorder is a nice simple high level abstraction allowing us to retrieve data from a soundcard. However there is limited control as to how often and how much data is retrieved from the sound card.

Ideally for this application we would determine the number of samples to be read from the sound card (sample_frequency/update_rate) and enter a loop reading this many samples each time. However audiorecorder does not contain this functionality. The only option is to specify a timer callback function and its timer period.

In theory this should work perfectly, however in the real world, timers don't get called EXACTLY every 0.2 seconds (or however long their interval). Depending on CPU load and interrupt timings it can vary.

The effect on audiorecoder is that often you will receive too much / too little data when you query it for the currently recorded data. Unfortunately i could not figure out a simple work around. So this function wil occasionally 'skip' and update and include that data into the next frame's analysis. Sorry folks!

Now.. what makes this code work? Simple its this:
set(audio_recorder, 'TimerFcn', {@audioRecorderTimerCallback, ...
audio_recorder, ...
time_domain_plots, ...
This says that for each time period as configured, execute the 'audioRecorderTimerCallback' function and supply to it these three parameters.

By then starting the recorder you are beginning recording and starting the timer.

Audio Recorder Callback

The callback function we assigned to the audiorecorder will get called approximately ever 1/update_rate seconds. I wont go into too much detail regarding the callback as this post is long enough as is.

The function initially queries the audiorecorder for some of its properties required for accurate frequency analysis.

It then stops the recorder, retrieves the recorded data before starting the recorder again.
% stop the recorder, grab the data, restart the recorder. May miss some data
data = getaudiodata(obj, data_format);
It then calculates the power spectrum of the audio data and updates the XData and YData fields of the appropriate time / frequency domain plots before forcing a drawing update of the plots.

Error Handling

You might have noticed that the majority of the code in the Audio Recorder callback function is contained within a try block. This is for 2 reasons:

1) If a systematic error is occuring within the function, then it will continue to occur within the function. Each time that function is called. Which is every time the Audio Recorder timer function is triggered. And because at the command line you do not have access to the soundcardSpectralAnalysis workspace, you cannot stop the timer. Your only solution is to close Matlab.
2) You wish to stop the spectral analysis? Well, just closing the figure window will acheive this.

The corresponding catch block does the following:
catch exception
% Stop the recorder and exit
Most important line is "stop(obj)". This stops the recorder and hence the timer function. The error is then rethrown to alert the user to the issue.

In the case of 1) above, you will be able to debug the code if you were extending its functionality withough having to restart Matlab often. In the case of 2), closing the figure window means that when it attempts to update the plot data fields, they do not exist, causing an error to be thrown. Hence the function can be stopped nicely.

Interesting Issue with Audio Recorder Callback Function

The more observant readers might say:
"Why supply "audio_recorder" to the audioRecorderTimerCallback. Particularly as the audio_recorder is the initiater of the callback available as the "obj" variable, and also because audio_recorder is not even used within the callback function whatsoever!"

And I would completely agree with you.

However. If you remove "audio_recorder" from the callback function parameter list, then the timer is never started and never executed:
set(audio_recorder, 'TimerFcn', {@audioRecorderTimerCallback, ...
time_domain_plots, ...

function audioRecorderTimerCallback(obj, event, ...
time_domain_plots, freq_domain_plots)

It is particularly puzzling seeing as though audio_recorder is not used anywhere within the callback function. This can be illustrated by calling "clear('audio_recorder')" at the start of the function. It still functions as per expected.

It might be a bug, but possibly me misunderstanding the behaviour of the callback functions. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments below.

Anyhow, thanks for reading my long post about a very simple function. Hopefully its highlighted some interesting aspects of Matlab that you may not have been too familiar with.

I aim to provide a new sample each week along with a little explanation.